



在线进板同 XYZ 运动平台 喷涂助焊剂上红外预热同 XYZ 运动平台单 锡炉喷嘴焊接在线出板
Pcb loadingSame XYZ motion to do selective fluxUpper & bottom preheatSame XYZ motion to do selective solderingPcb unloading


  1. 一体化全功能性机型,整个运动平台上集成了喷雾及焊接,占地空间紧凑。Integrated full-functional model, the whole motion platform integrated spray and welding, compact space.
  2. PCB 板固定不动,喷雾与焊接平台移动。PCB plate fixed, spray and welding platform moving.
  3. 高焊接品质,大幅提升焊接的直通率。 High welding quality, greatly improve the pass rate of welding.
  4. 模块化设计,SMEMA 在线运输,支持客户进行灵活组线。 Modular design of SMEMA online transportation, support customers for flexible line formation.
  5. 全电脑控制,参数均在电脑上设定与保存。生成配置文件,便于追溯与保存。 Full PC control. All parameters can set in PC and saved to PCB menu, like moving path, solder temperature, flux type, solder type ,n2 temperature etc, best trace-ability and easy to get repeat soldering quality。

标准机器包括:Standard machine include:

序号Serial 名称 Item 内容 content数量Quantity
  1 控制系统Controlling  system电脑主机与显示器 PC & monitor 1 套(set)
实时监控相机 Live on monitor camera
控制器及控制卡 motion control
   2  运动系统(PCB 板运动) PCB Motion table三轴平台 xyz motion table  1 套(set)
三轴全配滚珠丝杆及直线导轨 3 axis equippedwith ball screw & linear guildrail
三轴全配伺服电机及伺服驱动器 3 axis equipped with servo motor & driver
 3 选择性喷雾系统Fluxing system进口喷射阀 Imported fluxing jetting valve 1 套(set)
助焊剂罐 flux tank
喷雾气控 flux pneumatic system
4预热系统 preheatingsystem红外射灯下预热 IR heater at bottom1 套(set)
      5      选择性焊接锡炉Soldering pot15KG 锡炉,叶轮,流道,伺服系统 15kg capacity solder pot, impeller, tunnel, servor motor1 套(set)
焬炉超温超液位警报装置 solder temperatureover heat alarm system
焬炉温控系统 solder temperature controlling system
氮气在线独立温控系统 n2 inline heatingsystem
标配 5 个焊接喷嘴(内径 4mm x 3pcs, 5mm,6mm ) Standard equipped solder nozzle
 6PCB 板定部份Conveyor system PCB 板侧夹装置 PCB side clamping system1 套(set)
7机器壳体 Machinechassis机架及表面喷粉 machine frame/cover &painting1 套(set)

机器分项说明 Machine explanation

1.机器软件系统 Software

基于 WINDOWS 7 开发的软件功能,操作人性化与可追溯性良好。 All software system developed by base on Windows7 system, with good trace-ability.

可直接使用PCB图片进行路径编程,路径起始点,焊接移动速度,空行程速度,Z轴高度,波峰高度等均可在电脑上设定。 Use scanned picture as background for path programming, moving speed, dwell time, empty move speed, Z height , wave height etc all programmed for different solder site.

焊接过程的实时显示。通过相机输送到显示屏中,可对焊接过程进行观察。Show solder process with live on camera.

关键参数的软件完全监控,比如温度,速度,压力等等。Critical parameters are totally under monitoring by PC software, like temperature, speed, pressure etc.

可升级为自动波峰高度校正功能。可设定间隔多少片板校正一次波峰高度。Can upgraded to be with auto wave height calibration function, to check & calibrate wave’s height after every certain pcb, so to keep a very good stability of wave.

关于 PCB 板的选择焊接资料全部在一个文件下保存,比如 PCB 板尺寸及图片,焊接用助 焊剂,焊接用焊料及锡嘴,焊接锡温,氮气温度,运行路线及路线上各点对应的波峰高度 以及 Z 轴高度等。这样方便客户对同一产品使用相同的焊接文件,也方便客户进行追溯。 About PCB’s menu in soldering machine, all information will be stocked in one file. It will include PCB dimension and picture, used flux type, solder type, solder nozzle type, solder temperature, N2 temperature, motion path and each site’s related wave height and Z height etc. When customer to solder same PCB, they can get full information about how it’s done in history, also easy for trace.


运动平台系统 motion system

自主设计全铝铸造运动平台,轻量化的设计,提高运行速度的同时保证平台的刚性。Self design motion table with cast aluminum, lighter weight with quick motion speed.


松下伺服驱动器与松下电机提供运动动力,配合滚珠丝杆与直线导轨进行导向,定位精 确,噪音小,移动平稳。 Panasonic servo motor & driver provide stable driving power, with screw pole & linear guild rail for guidance. Precious position, less noise, stable movement.

移动平台带防尘板,防止脏物滴入到滚珠丝杆上。 With dust proof plate above motion table, so to avoid flux or solder drop to damage ball screw.

喷雾部份 fluxing system

标配进口压电陶瓷式喷射阀,仅适用于固体含量低于 8%的助焊剂。 Standard equipped with imported jet valve to get precious fluxing result with small flux dot, please note flux solid content should be less than 8%.


助焊剂采用压力灌贮存,保证喷雾压力恒定,不受助焊剂多少的影响。 Flux is stocked by PP plastic pressure tank, make sure pressure stable without influenced of amount of flux.


预热部份 Preheat

顶部带预热装置。Bottom preheating is standard equipped in machine, Position is adjustable.

加热比率可电脑调节。 Heating ratio is adjustable by PC, from 0 —100%

选择性锡炉部份 solder pot

◼ 锡 炉 温 度 , 氮 气 温 度 , 波 峰 高 度 , 波 峰 校 正 等 均 可 电 脑 设 定 。 Solder temperature, N2 temperature, wave height, wave calibration etc all able to set in software.
◼ 锡炉内胆为钛合金制,绝无渗漏。外置式发热板,热传递均匀。 Solder pot is made of Ti, not leakage. With cast iron heater outside, robust & quick heat up.
◼ 锡炉均采用快速接头连线,进行锡炉更换时无需重新接线。 Solder pot is wired with quick connector. When exchange solder pot without re-wiring required, just plug & play.
◼ 氮气在线加热装置,保证锡炉良好的润湿性以及减少氧化物产生。 N2 online heating system, to wet the soldering perfectly and reduce the solder dross.
◼ 锡炉配锡液位报警。With solder level checking & alarm.

输送机构 conveyor

◼ 前后导轨分别采用独立步进电机驱动。Stepper motor drive for fixed & movable conveyor.
◼ 采用不锈钢滚轮运输,运行顺畅,长期使用无磨损。同时保证锡炉喷嘴可以达到 PCB 的 最板边 3MM 处。 With stainless steel roller for conveyor, not wearable with long term usage. Also make sure solder nozzle can approach to board’s edge 3mm.
◼ 运输导轨上配夹板机构,确保定位准确。 With PCB clamping system at conveyor.
